Elemental: a Gesturally Controlled System to Perform Meteorological Sounds

Tiago Brizolara da Rosa, Sylvie Gibet, Caroline Larboulette
Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression - jul 2020
Download the publication : NIME2020-camera-ready.pdf [1Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Brizolara da Rosa, Tiago and Gibet, Sylvie and Larboulette, Caroline",
  title        = "Elemental: a Gesturally Controlled System to Perform Meteorological Sounds",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression",
  month        = "jul",
  year         = "2020",
  address      = "Birmingham, United Kingdom",
  url          = "http://zabador.free.fr/Publications/2020/BGL20"

Other publications in the database

» Sylvie Gibet
» Caroline Larboulette