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Deutsch Francais  

Friday April 19th, 2024


Chronicles of 2006

January February March April May June
July August September October November December

Happy New Year 07 !!

Sunday 31 December 2006 at 23:59:59


Pour tous ceux qui n'auraient pas recu ma carte par email (oui bah je n'ai pas les emails de tout le monde, des fois ca marche pas, tout ca), voici mes voeux avec une jolie photo :-)

A little postcard for the new year 07 !!!!

  1 Comment

Lobster Story, le retour ...

Sunday 31 December 2006 at 16:45:06


Reveillon numero 2 oblige, il a fallu racheter des homards. Seulement cette fois, nous leur avons donne des noms. Je vous presente donc Ahmed (le homard d'Eveine, celui de gauche) et Gaston, forcement le homard de droite, celui qui a un petit point blanc sur le dessus de la tete. Et bien Gaston, c'est mon homard ... Moi qui vous raconte l'histoire, je suis leur bienfaitrice, celle qui va prendre un malin plaisir a faire rougir Ahmed et Gaston de plaisir :-)

A gauche, Ahmed ... A droite, Gaston (avec le point blanc sur la tete ... mes homards ont toujours des points blancs sur la tete ... un peu bizarre, non ?) Enfin bref, on ne mange pas la carapace apres tout !

A la demande de Gaston et Ahmed qui avaient pris un peu froid au supermarche, je leur ai fait couler un bon bain chaud, avec du laurier et de magnifiques bubulles. Pourtant, Eveine ne voulait pas, mais c'est un monstre, elle aurait prefere les abandonner et les rejeter dans la mer. Je lui ai bien fait comprendre que ca n'etait pas tres charitable, et que nos amis a deux pinces avaient bien le droit a un peu de reconfort.

Un bon bain bouillonnant avec des sels de bain de Guerande et des algues marines apaisantes, que certains appellent d'ailleurs Laurier.

Quand Gaston et Ahmed ont entendu l'eau de leur bain fremir, je n'ai pas pu les retenir, ils ont saute dans l'eau la tete la premiere, sous l'oeil jaloux et depite de Ouessant, qui lui devait se consoler avec sa peluche.

Il n'a fallu que quelques secondes a Ahmed et Gaston pour rougir de plaisir, je les entends encore me remercier avec leurs petits cris aigus de bonheur.

Apres 15 minutes cependant, il a fallut les sortir, ils seraient devenus tous mous sinon. Pour une fois, ils se sont montres dociles et ne se sont pas debattus. Puis histoire de leur fortifier la peau, je les ai couches dans un lit 4 etoiles et au frais (vous savez, comme font les gens des pays froid qui prennent un sauna et vont ensuite se rouler dans la neige ? Bah la, c'est pareil ...)

Et voila le resultat ! Un sourire parfait sur les tetes de Gaston et Ahmed, redevables a jamais de cette seance de thalasso :-)


Holliday Greetings

Tuesday 26 December 2006 at 12:27:03


Alex and Melman join me to wish you a merry christmas and an happy new year 07 !!

And well, they enjoyed the photos session (maybe they were a little drunk :-) )


Lobster Story

Saturday 23 December 2006 at 11:16:22


For a change, I said I wanted lobster for Xmas, for tomorrow night. But my parents had the smartest idea concerning the lobsters: buy them ALIVE ! Well, it is supposed to taste better, why not. We found a commercial in our mailbox saying lobsters would be sold this morning, in two different chains: Intermarche and Super U ... starting at 9am !

As my parents are selling on the market this morning, I am in charge for finding and buying those lobsters. This morning, I got up very early (before 10am, I was ready to go, do you imagine !!???) and went to the first shop, Intermarche (the nearest one). Once inside, I discovered they had no more fish or seafood booth ! Very funny, grrr ! I also met Santa Claus there, he gave me a candy. But I bet this was a very old candy, the leftovers from the year, as it was all sticky and not good ... beurk !

Then, I decided I should go to the other shop, Super U, I would probably be more lucky. So I went there, and same thing, could not find the fish and seafood booth ! Hum, I started ton wonder (actually, I never buy fish, I don't like that), and saw, a little outside the shop, the fish and seafood booth ! Yeah ! So I bought the food for the dog and cats and went there: NO LOBSTER !!!!! Isn't it amazing ? Not even one ! So I gave up and came back home ... I tried to call my parents a thousand times in case they had a better idea, but they did not answer. Maybe I should simply go back to bed :-)



Saturday 23 December 2006 at 11:07:42


Parce que ca faisait un moment que j'avais pas mentionne son nom et que Eveine parle du sirop d'erable sur son site, voila un petit post dedicace a Chadi (qui est bien un garcon et pas une fille, hein, Stupidname ! :D). Donc a l'origine, mon eloge a Chadi devait vous dire comment il est gentils, sympa, un mec bien tout ca tout ca, car il m'a telephone quand j'etais a Washington :-D Bon , au final, on n'a pas cause tres longtemps, mais apres tout, c'est le geste qui compte ...

Well also I wanted to complain about lobsters ... maybe in a separate post after all, 'cause it has nothing to do with Chadi I guess :-) lol


Comme ca en passant ...

Tuesday 19 December 2006 at 11:47:21


Pour faire plaisir a Eveine, voila une chronique .... seulement le probleme, c'est que j'entends mon Elfe (tres jolie indeed) qui m'appelle !!! Mais serieux, je vous ferai un resume, ptet cet aprem (ca serait cool si j'avais le oueb chez moi quand meme !). De toute facon, faut que je revienne plus tard avec un cable Ethernet plus long, car le canape est plus comfortable pour jouer :-)

And NO, I am NOT addicted !! I did not play for 2 days, 10 hours, 3 minutes and 15 seconds !!!


Another day in paradise

Tuesday 12 December 2006 at 19:29:25


I just went downtown (and not very far) and it was a total screw up. I wanted to share those great moments with you. I don't know why I became such a terrible travel guide, maybe I've always been and did not notice as I traveled most of the time with Angie, who is an excellent travel guide :-)

As I said earlier, I was very lazy this morning. I thus decided not to go too far, but just for something like an hour to grab some food and drinks for the fridge and give time to the cleaning lady to make the room. Once downstairs, I thought I could at least make the effort to go to some university to visit the bookstore and buy a few books for my lecture, if any interesting ones ...

My first project before leaving France was to go to Georgetown University. But the laziness quickly took over and I saw that George Washington University was just two subway stations away from my hotel (Georgetown is not reachable by subway). So I decided for the cheap and quick option and went underground to catch the tube. First surprise, my farecard was not filled enough, I had to put money on it. As I did not want to put too much, I first got rid of my change and added a dollar banknote. Well, I had now 2,20$ on the card, I thought it would be enough for two stations to go and come back*. When arriving to GWU, I had the nice surprise to see that 1,35$ was debited from my card, same price as to go to Union Station at the other end of the city. Apparently, crossing the river and changing state makes most of the fare.

So even if I was unlucky and had to wait 11 minutes to catch the first train, I was happy to see I was right on the university campus when getting out of the metro. I first saw big signs on top of the building beginning with "George Washington University ...", so I directly entered the building, aiming for whatever bookstore I could find inside. Hum, but when arriving at the door, I saw on a little sign "Welcome to the GWU hospital" ! hoho, something wrong. I went backwards a few steps and read the whole inscription on top of the building, and yes, this was an hospital. I turned around and walked a few meters, enough to realize that GWU is not a general purpose university, but a medical science university, which kind of explains why it was not a famous one in my mind !

Well, the need for a bookstore had suddenly vanished as I was looking for Computer Graphics books of course ! So I thought I could walk one block to see if there would be some shops or something. While walking, I passed the blue bus that goes to georgetown ! Yes, I was finally lucky ! Perfect time to reevaluate my plans ! But when reading for the fare and checking my purse, I saw that they wanted 1,50$ exact fare and the best I could do was 5$ as I just got rid of my coins to refill the metro farecard ! crap !

Never mind, I told myself it was the right time to buy a drink and make some new change ! I turned around the corner and saw a drinks machine. The water bottle was at 1,25$, perfect to get a 1,50$ change out of my 5$ note. So I tried to put the note in the machine, it didn't want to take it. I tried all possible directions, the fucking machine never even tried to suck my note ! pfff ! After a few minutes, I ran out of options and gave up.

Across the street, a starbucks coffee ... Why not ?! After all, a coffee would wake me up and be as efficient as a bottle of water for the change ... actually not ! I got to pay something around 3$ and managed to get a 2$ change only ! pfff ... A bit desperate, I told myself I could ask the driver of the bus, maybe he/she would be nice and have some change. At worse, I could make a donation of 50 cents. So I went back to the bus station.

Arriving at the corner of the block, I had the bad surprise to see my bus leaving in front of me ! (and that's the kind of bus that shows up every 30 or 45 min). Instead, a grey bus offering tours of the city ! Well, at that point, I eventually decided the spirits were against me and decided to go home. I added a 1$ note to my farecard and went underground with my coffee.

While walking downstairs, I eventually realized that I was a terrorist as drinks and food are forbidden in the metro. Well, it took me some time to realize why there were huge trash cans before the gates and analyze the far to many signs of what is forbidden in the tube**. Well, I was now praying to not cross any controller while drinking my coffee.

Arriving to the electronic signs, I could read that the next train in my color and direction was in 16 or 17 min ! why me ?????!!!! So I waited, while thinking about how I could tell you the story !

One good thing when getting out, I found a hidden subway and bought myself a steak and cheese sub for lunch :D . Then, I went to the shop near the hotel, shop that looked like a grocery store but was in the end just a sandwich/coffee shop. So well, no way I could buy stuff*** for the fridge of the hotel room.

Conclusion of this wonderful day: I should better stay a geek and play wow which I just installed :-)

* I guess I should explain here a bit about the Washington subway system. You pay depending on the number of stations and time spent into the subway, so anytime you enter and get out again. You have gates like in Paris (but prettier) so you cannot cheat like in Vienna. The fare is sometimes ok, sometimes very expensive. I was for instance very surprised that for my two stations, it was 1,35$ one way ... But I did not know before riding the metro. The second important point is that the trains are not very frequent. The average waiting time is about 10 minutes, but, as you will see, I was especially lucky today. And finally, the stations are quite far to each other and it is really hard to get where you want to go without adding a half hour walk to the metro ride ... that is, unless you want to go to a mall. So you got it, the metro system in Washington is not very efficient ! But let's go back to the original story ...

** Another amusing thing in the tube is that animals are forbidden. But the sign says "Animals are forbidden, as any other dangerous items" :-) I found funny that dogs are considered as dangerous as explosives :-)

*** I am just realizing that we are in Virginia, and, in Virginia where I lived one year, your cannot buy alcohol everywhere. You have to go to some special liquor stores ran by the state, usually very well hidden in the country an hardly recognizable ...


Welcome to sunny Washington !

Tuesday 12 December 2006 at 16:41:41


First news, before I mention anything else: I've got my new laptop !!!! It is sooooo great :-) I'm back in the world of geeks :-) lol

Then, when I say "sunny Washington", well for once I am so not lying ! The weather is warm and the sky entirely blue :D

Hum, I feel too lazy to tell you about my first day in DC, so I'm just gonna mention one so weird thing: it is now forbidden to have chocolate in your carry-on when boarding the plane ! huh ! I had my chokini, but I was allowed to keep them, thankfully !! This making me think that I am hungry right now, and I think I have some left somewhere ... miam, so good :-)

There is some kind of loft story on TV, I need to change the channel !!! As quick as possible ...Wow, a baby pit bull ate 4 toes of baby girl (the one living under the same roof). when you see the dog which is about 1,5 months old, it's quite scary !

Well, I am very very lazy and not so much to say, so ...


My war against spam

Sunday 03 December 2006 at 12:55:45


As you might have seen recently, the spam increased on my website. I first selected according the nickname, the IP, the comment itself. But it's getting really hard to filter. I thus added today a new filter that prevents comments to be posted on old posts. Basically, you can comment only the last 30 posts, which corresponds to the last one or two months basically. Hope this will be an efficient solution ...

Et maintenant, pour etre sure que tout le monde a compris, je la refais en francais :-) J'ai donc desactive les commentaires sur les posts qui ont plus d'un ou deux mois (en gros, c ouvert pour les 30 derniers), vu que le spam avait la sale habitude de venir principalement sur les vieux posts. Donc si vous commentez un vieux truc, ca sera automatiquement detruit. Si vraiment vouis avez quelque chose a dire, suffit de me demander et je rajouterai. Si vous avez une meilleure facon de contrer le spam, je suis aussi preneuse ... oualou.


Which flower are you ?

Saturday 02 December 2006 at 11:40:13

Which Flower are You?

You are a Lily

You are graceful, gentle, calm, and pure and perhaps a little shy (though your shyness is part of your charm). You are a very honorable person who always wants to do the right thing. Your calm attitude has a soothing effect on others.

Symbolism: The lily has long been used as a symbol of majesty, honor, chastity, and purity of heart.

Take this quiz!

My dog is a pedophil !

Friday 01 December 2006 at 13:00:29


This morning I woke up around 10 am. I took a shower and got dressed, ready to put the dog outside. But it turned out the weather is aweful, lots of rain ! So I opened the door to let the dog go first, I was planning on putting some clothes in the laundry ... But when I opened the door, I saw a young little dog (the kind that can hunt) just right behind the door, eating the trash (actually, the trash was spread all around the front door, how nice !)

As I was scared my dog would eat the baby dog, I dropped my pullover on the floor and catched him. Funny enough, he seemed to behave nicely although the dog was a male (usually he fights !). Then I tried to give him his little walk in the garden, but it was aweful as I had to use the line and also he was trying to catch the little dog, which was trying to jump everywhere ! (Don't forget it was raining cats and dogs ! haha). So well, at a moment the little dog stopped and I let my dog go towards him, he seemed paceful ... well ... hum, how to describe ! He went over the little dog a tried to make him a child ! pffff .... What's wrong with my dog ? Either he is zoophil with human men, or he is pedophil with little male dogs !? Thankfully (or not), he also likes female dogs, but now that he is old, they drive him crazy (last time, he ate two doors and did other terrible things in the house - he never did that even when he was young) ...


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Last Update: 07/12/08 21:58