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Moving out - moving in ... part 2

Mercredi 28 Février 2007 à 17:16:32


This morning, I carried another suitcase to my new room, together with a huge bag Ikea full of things ! This was very heavy, but I managed to roll the suitcase on the road to reach the new room. Poor suitase lost one wheel in the process, it looks like the plastic melted.

Tonight at 7:30 pm, I have to go to the flat to give the keys back. I was just told that the dying man finally agreed to rent me the flat for one month (march), but I answered it was too late, I already found a room (what did he expect, that I would wait 'till 3 hours before being thrown out to find a solution ???? !!!

I hope this time I will manage to take everything that is left in the flat, in just one shot (I do not have a choice anyway !). My flatmates asked me for 100 euros for the time I stayed with them, to pay for electricity and water. I guess this is ok, they paid for the rice they later stole me and the detergent (don't remember the correct word) for my laundry. I told him I would bring the money tonight with the keys (I actually thought I would give them 100 euros, so I already have the money with me, but I do not trust any of them, so ...

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Munsell COS

Mardi 27 Février 2007 à 17:36:52


Just because I like this image ... I wish I had the Coloroid data to do the same, to see the difference ... I did not find the data yet, but I am working on it. If you have any info, drop me a comment or an email :D

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Sondage ...

Mardi 27 Février 2007 à 16:24:25


Bon, je suis fiere de vous en ce qui concerne le sondage d'hier ... 5 personnes sur 7 ont dit preferer rester en France, une personne veut aller en Autriche (alors la, je vois pas qui ca peut bien etre) et une personne souhaite aller n'importe ou, du moment que ca n'est pas en Europe. Cela reflete plus ou moins bien les reponses du sondage officiel realise aupres des europeens. A savoir, les francais preferent rester chez eux !

La ou l'ont voit que mon blog a ete utile, est que parmi les pays choisis (pour ceux qui veulent tout de meme bouger), l'Espagne est le pays qui est arrive en tete (perso, je connais 4 francais qui ont quitte le Canada, l'UK, la France et l'Autriche pour venir en Espagne). En effet, si l'on omet les problemes administratifs, l'Espagne est un pays attractif, notamment en ce qui concerne les boulot genre recherche ...

PS: desolee je retrouve pas le lien vers le sondage ...

  7 Commentaires

Moving out - moving in ... part 1

Mardi 27 Février 2007 à 13:16:45


Oh well, a bit of English to keep my English readers informed of the whole flat story ! So, for those who did not follow, the landlord of the flat I had found decided not to sign the contract. I had 5 days to find a new flat. I found a room in a flat. Tiny but at least cheap.

When I arrived in Madrid, I had two suitcases. Then of course, I began to buy crap for the flat, clothes in India, ... so it quickly expanded to at least 3 suitcases. This morning, I brought the first two in my new room ... I'll empty one tonight and bring it back full tomorrow ...

I just had news from my contract ! yahoo ! So they called me to tell me I need to ask for a social security number ... But I did already one month ago (thanks Mica !!) so I could give them right away ! I think they are quite surprised with how fast I can find any paper they ask. They also want the NIE and told me it was weird I already had a social security number before having the NIE ... Oh well, I do not understand anything to the Spanish administrative system anyway !

For the contract, half of the way is done. Now apparently, there are just two steps left: the approval of the expense by the university and the payment. My boss is confident and think I might even sign this week ... we'll see ...

  4 Commentaires

Appartement 175 - 1,5 Zab

Lundi 26 Février 2007 à 13:23:35


La galere de la recherche d'appart a donc recommence vendredi, ce dont je me serais bien passee. ... Vendredi soir, j'etais suffisamment desesperee pour ne plus chercher un appart, mais une chambre, histoire d'avoir un toit sur la tete. Je trouve environ 8 annonces, une seule chambre est encore libre, et une autre sera peut etre libre le lendemain. Je decroche donc une visite pour le samedi 6pm avec Diana.

Samedi soir, je suis au rdv, je visite la chambre. 5 personnes vivent dans l'appart .. Diana et son mec, une nana et un mec. La chambre est minuscule, je dis a la nana que j'ai besoin de reflechir. Je lui dit que je la rappelle au plus tard dimanche soir. Elle me dit ok, que je suis la premiere a avoir visite l'appart, donc je suis prioritaire.

Samedi soir, Suzanna appelle. Finalement, l'autre mec qui devait prendre la chambre de la prend pas (une histoire de mere mourrante ... C'est dingue le nombre de gens mourrants autour des locations d'appart !!!). On se donne rendez vous le lendemain a 3h a un arret de metro.

Dimanche 1:30pm, Diana qui appelle pour savoir si je suis encore interesse car elle a un mec qui vient de visiter et qui veut la chambre. Je lui dit que oui, que je visite l'autre appart a 3pm, que je l'appelle des que j'en sors. La, elle en remet une couche et me dit que oui, c'est juste si elle attend une heure avant de louer a l'autre gars, car apres tout, je suis la premiere a avoir visite. Je suis donc prioritaire. Ce a quoi je reponds que en effet, c'est normal ainsi.

Je vais prendre ma douche, je ressors, j'avais un texto de Diana (date de environ 2:10pm) ... Je le cite: "Hi i'm Diana.I'm sorry but the boy that i told u just come and pay me the deposit.I couldn't say no. Good luck" ... alors la, je pense que ca m'a echappe a voix haute: "BITCH !!!". Me voila donc sans option, quel que soit l'etat de la chambre numero 2, je dois la prendre.

J'etais 5 min en avance au rdv de 3h, la nana aussi, on est finalement arrivee par le meme metro (et on est parties de la meme rue, assez marrant finalement). Je vois la chambre, un chouillat plus grande que l'autre, et la nana me dit que si je veux, je peux avoir un lit double ... ce que j'ai demande. J'ai donc donne les 500 euros tout de suite et j'ai recupere les clefs, comme ca je pense etre a peu pres sure d'avoir un toit mercredi (enfin bon, ici, on n'est jamais sur de rien !).

Maintenant, je vais pouvoir chercher un vrai appart tranquilement ... En esperant que j'en trouve un ...

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The curse of the were-Zab

Vendredi 23 Février 2007 à 12:23:37


Dans le genre "pas de chance, vous etes maudite", j'ai du tirer le bon numero. Je sais pas ce que j'ai bien pu faire dans mes vies anterieures, mais mon karma, il craint du chien ! Et la, vous vous demandez bien pourquoi je dis ca ?

Et bien voila que hier soir, je recois un texto de mon ex-colloc qui me dit "faut que je te parle au plus vite, est ce que je peux passer". Deux heures plus tard, il etait la (avec une heure de retard, mais ca aussi, c'est typique espagnol !). En attendant, je dois dire que j'etais un peu stressee ... J'ai envisage plusieurs possibilite, dans l'ordre qu'elles me sont venues dans la tete, et finalement, la premiere a laquelle j'ai pense etait la bonne ... Mais quoi ? Qu'est ce qui se passe ??? Et bien j'y viens.

Hier soir donc, j'ai appris que mon proprio avait le cancer (bon alors ca, c pas forcement vrai a 100%, mais ca ne change rien au resultat). As a consequence, il ne veut plus louer l'appart. Il veut venir y finir ses jours.... Alors la, mon colloc qui deja ne le croit pas lui explique que ca se fait pas de jetter les gens comme ca ... Et eux, ils repondent que si, ca se fait, vu que le contrat n'est pas signe et que mon colloc a signe la fin de son contrat avec eux. Il n'y avait donc que la parole du mec (qui soi-disant etait en train de preparer ledit contrat) et ils veulent que je sois partie "au plus vite"! Comme mon colloc a paye jusqu'au 28, il leur a repondu qu'il etait hors de question que je parte avant et il a essaye de negocier pour que je reste au mois de mars aussi. Mais ils ne veulent pas que je reste. J'ai donc 5 jours pour trouver un appart, alors qu'il m'avait fallu deux mois pour trouver celui la ! Donc imaginez ma joie !!!!!! Je ne vais meme pas vous dire ce que je pense de l'espagne et des espagnols, sinon, ce post va se prendre plein de spam !

Hier soir du coup, j'ai voulu appeler mes potes, et bien pas de chance, mon credit etait epuise, je ne pouvais appeler personne. J'ai recharge la carte ce matin, puis je prends le metro pour venir ici. Je vais pour sortir du metro, mon ticket qui ne fonctionne pas (il a pourtant fonctionne pour me laisser entrer). J'explique mon pb aux gens de la securite qui me laissent passer et regarde mon ticket. Normalement, il me reste un trajet sur les 10, mais ca marche pas, donc tant pis pour moi. Voila la reponse que g eu. Donc je me suis encore fait arnaquee ce matin ! Sur ce, je retourne aux petites annonces et je vais aller decommander ma visite Ikea de demain ou je devais acheter une table basse et un panier pour Zab. Je vais aussi changer le blog-it, qui n'est plus trop a jour ! Et dire que j'ai fais du menage pour rien !!!!

  8 Commentaires

Blog-it Express (bis)

Jeudi 22 Février 2007 à 12:58:10

Here it is .. the blog-it is in English today. And with it, the "how to use" notice. As the French readers had a perfect score of 0, I am encouraging the English readers to vote (the French ones also of course). The idea is very simple. Just choose your favorite answer, click on it and click "voter". Don't worry, no strange redirection, no spam, nothing harmful behind this strange "voter"button ...
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Blog-it Express

Mercredi 21 Février 2007 à 18:51:36


Bon et bien vu le peu de succes du tout beau tout nouveau blog-it express, je commence a me demander si parfois quelqu'un passe sur ce site (a part moi :-D). Juste au cas ou, je vous explique le principe. Il s'agit juste de mettre une info tres courte, une question, un sondage, et le bouton "voter" signifie que ca me ferait super plaisir si vous donniez votre avis. C'est tres simple a utiliser, vous ne serez pas redirige vers une page zarbi... Il suffit de cliquer sur la reponse de votre choix et de clicker "voter". Voila, facile quoi !

Bon voila, ca, c'est fait. J'ai aussi implemente mon COS, il faudrait ptet que je reflechisse serieusement a comment l'utiliser maintenant. Il me reste une semaine pour trouver on va dire ...

Et donc, vu que vous ne votez pas, que vous ne commentez pas et que j'ai besoin de rendre mon appart plus joli (car la, il est quand meme tres tres moche), je vais aller faire un tour a ikea. Je pensais y aller plus tard (il ferme a 23h), mais finalement, j'en ai un peu marre d'etre ici ... et bizarrement, j'ai faim ... deja ...

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Il y a des jours comme ca ...

Mardi 20 Février 2007 à 15:10:50


Les jours ou tout va bien, ca n'existe pas ... par contre, les jours ou tout va mal, y en a beaucoup! Hier etait un de ceux la... Mon ordi decide de mourir (enfin, seulement le disque dur, mais c'est un peu genant (puree, le clavier espagnol, ca n'est pas que facile !!)), je perds mon echarpe irlandaise, et j'apprends que mon contrat aura du retard et que je ne serais pas payee avant quelques mois (c'est bien la premiere fois que je m'inquiete au niveau argent et que je vis comme une pougnouf (j'aime bien dire ce mot, remis au gout du jour par Marina :-) ). Bon enfin c'est pas si catastrophique, j'ai commence a virer les affaires de mes collocs et a passer les placards a l'eau de javel. Il faudrait que je m'attaque au salon ce soir ... J'ai aussi lave le lave vaisselle, il faut que j'aille acheter des couverts. Bref, ce n'était pas de ca que je voulais parler ! lol

Aujourd'hui, ca va partiellement mieux. Je suis allee apporter mon ordi a réparer ce matin. J'ai du me lever a 8h, faire 1h30 de metro. J'arrive a la boutique, je donne mon ordi, et la nana me dit: "ok, je vous appelerai." Ce a quoi je reponds pas une question et lui demande combien de temps ca va prendre (je pensais en avoir pour une heure, c'est pas tres complique de changer un disque dur !). Et la, elle me repond: "10 jours !" ... La, je vous laisse imaginer ma tete. Je lui explique que j'en ai besoin pour bosser itout, mais rien n'y fait, elle reste sur ses plus ou moins 10 jours. Donc, en termes informatiques, cela veut dire que ma deadline, je l'ai dans le --l bien profond, vu que c'est le 5 mars. Et ca me fait bien iech !!!

Ne pouvant pas rester sans ordi pendant 10 jours (faut bien que je bosse quand meme !), j'ai mendie au labo, et j'ai recupere le portable de demos, tellement enorme qu'il est intransportable. Son surnom en espagnol, c'est "muertila" (ou kek chose comme ca), qui veut dire plus ou moins qu'il est "mortel", dans le sens etymologique du terme. Mais au moins, j'ai un ordi, je vais donc passer mon aprem a reinstaller le minimum vital pour pouvoir coder ... on verra bien ce que ca donne.

La boutique de reparation de l'ordi etait tout pres du lokal pour le NIE. J'y suis donc allee et j'ai menti et utilise le truc a Mica: "Je suis juste allee faire une photocopie, est ce que je peux passer ?". Resultat, moins de 2 minutes et j'avais fini alors que les roumains sont encore en train de se geler le cul dans la file d'attente ! :D

Je reviens a la fac, je croise mon chef. Il me dit que pour mon contrat, ca avance enfin ! J'ai donc couru au service du personnel pour donner une photocopie de mon passeport et de mon diplome de these ! Ca va, seulement 16 jours pour savoir quels documents manquent au dossier, c'est un record ! Heureusement que mon chef les appelle tous les jours, car en fait, quand il manque quelque chose, c'est un peu comme chez free, ils ne te le disent pas et mettent le dossier au fond d'un tiroir ! Enfin bon, l'essentiel est qu'il y a un progres ! lol

Enfin, hier soir en voulant aller faire les courses, qu'est ce que je trouve au fond de mon sac ? Mon echarpe irlandaise evidemment :D

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Wish list

Vendredi 16 Février 2007 à 13:19:15


Today, I am stealing Angie's idea ... I'm gonna make my own trips wish list here :-)

No real ordering here, no priorities ...

- Montreal to visit Chadi
- Taipei in Taiwan with my friend Rofan
- Peru (probably with Rofan and Bruno)
- Brittany in Oct for the murder party
- Brittany in March to pick up Zab
- San Diego this summer for SIGGRAPH
- Ireland with Angie
- Madagascar with Angie (nov better than may for me)
- Nepal with Sophie
- Australia (never been on that continent)
- New York to visit Ken
- Manchester to visit friend and give talk

Well, I'm sure I am forgetting a lot, and also, other trips will come related to conferences that I have no idea of yet. Maybe other surprise weddings also :-)

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Wedding in India - day 1

Mercredi 14 Février 2007 à 13:11:20


As it is gonna take me a bit of time to put my traveling memories online, I'm gonna put it day by day on the blog, and I will do a proper webpage with more or less the same text later ... That way, I can begin to show you photos :D

The first day was quite short as it consisted to go from airport A (Madrid) to airport B (Mumbai). As you already know I spent the night in Madrid airport, and as the flight was simply not comfortable and long, I'm gonna skip this part. After landing at Mumbai, we had to go through the immigration before getting the suitcase and then out of the airport. The immigration is quite quick and simple actually, not much event here. As it was night and I am a girl, I had booked a hotel room with complimentary transfer to and from the airport. But of course, as this is me and my story, the guy was not here to pick me up. After checking the signs twice and waiting for 15 minutes, I decided to call the hotel. I was told that they did not have my flight number (although I had written about 5 emails repeating the same info, and had in my hand a voucher they sent me WITH my flight number and time on it). Well, welcome to India ;-) So I was not very nice to the guy on the phone* (who tried to make a joke btw.... but I did not get it, so it does not really matter), and I finally made him say he would come pick me up, but I had to wait 30 min. Well, as you will learn later, 30 min in Indian time is like buying a baguette in France. So I waited. In the meantime, I sent a text message to my friend Ramesh to tell him I was still alive, and told him I would send him another text once I am safe and locked in the hotel room (he wanted me to do so, and, also it looks like an insignificant detail, it is relatively important for the fun of the story ... well, you'll see ...).

30 minutes later, my driver is here, and he looks quite honest, so I finally go out of the airport (I mean, out of the safe area filled with guys in uniforms and guns -- so much for the definition of "safe" ... hihi ... -- ). First surprise (I know, everybody knows that India was a colony of Great Britain, except me, who keep forgetting what is important, unlike other people :-) ), people in India drive with the steering wheel on the left side ! Hehe ... So well, the car takes me to the hotel, everything works out well. When I arrive to the hotel, I receive a text message from Ramesh. As the message doesn't make any sense, I try to call him. But of course, it doesn't work. So I send a text to tell him I am safe and go up to my room.

I am actually surprised by the room which is all new and huge, with a king size bed (I booked a single one). It is so new that there is still some cement in the bathroom (better than crap, so well). Also, I am surprised 'cause the first impression I had from India is that it looked like Madagascar. The same kind of difference between people living in the city: very wealthy ones that have high speed** Internet and the ones that do not have electricity or water.

A little later, I received one more mysterious message from my friend. So I called him back to tell him not to worry, that I was ok. Then I slept (and got one more message during the night, which I learned later, was the actual first one and the key to understand the other ones :-) )

(*) I don't know how much is one phone call, but I did about 3 while in India, of 2 minutes each, and this exploded my 3 hours prepaid time !

(**) High speed means something above zero, and below 1024 k (they don't have the mega bit unit ... they were speechless when I told them we had 20 Mbits in big cities :-) ).

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You've been upgraded to business class

Mercredi 14 Février 2007 à 7:36:57


Mumbai, 1:50am ... The boarding is about to process. As an Elite member, I am allowed to board whenever I want. So I choose to board first (with old people, children, and other Elite members). Suddenly, they stop us from boarding and begin to call about 10 people. I am one of them. I ask the lady what is going on and she answers those magic words: "You've been upgraded to business class". Funny coincidence as we were talking about business and first class tickets the day before, and I was weening that I never traveled in anything else than economy ! And today, it happened !!!!! And I must say, there is a great difference between business and eco, especially for long flights (this one was 9h 15min).

Most of you have taken the plane before, in economy class, so you basically know how it works. Here is how it works for business people ... As soon as you board and before you begin taxi, they offer you a first glass of champaign, in a real glass ! Very very enjoyable. Then, you get a lot of room, a huge chair that you can adjust in any possible way by pushing one of the many available buttons. Like an idiot, I had to read the manual, but I finally managed. You also have a plug for you computer, so, if you want to work all night, you can. No need to carry 5 batteries with you :D. But let me describe the flight ...

I first played with the chair to find a comfortable position. Then, I saw my neighbor playing with a bag where he put his shoes to hang them up (actually, you can also give your coat, they can hang it up in some cupboard ... but I did not, I am a noob :-) ). It took me a little while to find the make-up pocket thing, which contains socks, toothpaste, cream, stuff to sleep, and so on ...). I removed my shoes and put the socks...

Then, we took off. Once in the sky, they came again with a new set of glasses filled with champaign, mmmmmm :-) I guess after that, I got to play with the screen for movies. Big surprise there too. First, the screen is much bigger (probably twice the size), then, the headphones have noise canceling, which is great 'cause you really get to enjoy your movie. Also, you can start any movie when you want and pause, rewind, etc ...

Concerning the noise, I forgot to mention that I got assigned the seat 3F, which is the third row in the plane !!! We were 14 people in our section, with something like 4 waiters at any time (but we had more passing by), and being in the very front of the plane is awesome 'cause you almost do not hear the reactors.

Then, we got food in a real plate, with real knifes and forks (2 of each kind), a table cloth and a real towel ... and improved food I guess, even if I probably would have preferred the usual regular one :-) Improved wine also ... well, I kept the menu :-)

About sleeping... Usually, I do not sleep in planes, mainly because it is not comfortable. But business chairs are comfortable. You can move each part of the chair at your convenience, without bothering the guy behind you, and end up almost like you were in your bed :D. So even if I had a great screen and sound, for once, I slept in the plane, and this was a wise thing to do as I had rather shorts nights whole week :-).

What else is there to say ? I guess that's pretty much it ! Very hard to come back to eco class (where I am right now while typing this post) after that ! Maybe I'll check the cost for a business ticket next time I have an over 8 hours flight :-) Or I just pray and hope to be upgraded :-))

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Celtic Knots

Lundi 05 Février 2007 à 15:54:50


A short post before leaving for India ...

I am leaving tonight, will spend the night at the airport because I do not have really another option. I just hope the airport is gonna be open. Last saturday, I went to El Escorial to visit a palace. I wanted to talk about it on the blog, but I did not have time to get the photos from the camera (the driver was here at work). I'll try to write about it while flying to India or when I come back.

While I am gone, you can make something for me. Go on this webpage, and tell me what you think about the celtic knots on the page from an aesthetic point of view. Please, put your comments here, or write me an email. Here is the webpage: http://www.gmrv.es/~zabador/knots/knots.html

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Vendredi 02 Février 2007 à 13:15:27


Pour une fois, ce post est un post pour raler et il va etre aussi en anglais, because I need help ! Mon probleme est que enormement de site oueb utilisent la geolocalisation. Ainsi, les moteurs de recherchent me redirigent obligatoirement vers celui de mon pays, et par exemple, je ne peux pas aller sur google.com. Heureusement, il y a la google bar, donc je peux quand meme faire des recherches sur google US, mais je n'ai pas acces aux maps, outils de traduction, etc ... La ou ca devient un reel probleme, c'est que beaucoup de site affichent la page dans la langue du pays ou tu es. Je me retrouve donc a me ballader sur des sites en espagnol ou je ne comprends rien ! Et pourtant, ce sont bien des sites mondiaux, que j'ai l'habitude de parcourir en anglais ou francais. Maintenant, ils introduisent la geoloc partout, ca devient assez vite insupportable ! Question: Y a t il un moyen de virer cette geolocalisation ou d'utiliser un leurre ou quelque chose ?

So, in short, my problem now that I am in Spain is what is called "geolocalisation" (at least, in French). I cannot connect to google.com for instance, and any international website will now be displayed in Spanish in my browser. People use geoloc more and more and forgot to think of people who cannot speak the language of the country they are living in ! Question: Is there a way to desactivate this geoloc, or fool scripts to make them think I am in the US or France, or whatever ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

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My sex id profile ...

Jeudi 01 Février 2007 à 19:04:15

Your overall performance
The scale below is an indication of where you fall in the male-female brain continuum. The results are based on the angles, spot the difference, 3D shapes and words tasks.

Bear in mind that your performance may be affected by many factors in addition to gender, like age and intelligence.

Your personal brain score:
Average score for MEN who've taken this survey:
Average score for WOMEN who've taken this survey:

Your score for each task
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 Part 1


This task tested your ability to identify the angle of a line by matching it with its twin. This is a spatial task, which looks at how you picture space.

Your score: 17 out of 20
Average score for men: 15.1 out of 20
Average score for women: 13.3 out of 20

What does your result suggest?

If you scored 0 - 12: You have more of a female brain. Scientists believe that people with a female brain find it more difficult to judge the slope of a line because they're not wired for spatial tasks. In past studies, 65 per cent of people who scored in this range were women.

If you scored 13 - 17: You found this test neither hard nor easy. This suggests your brain has male and female traits when it comes to spatial ability.

If you scored 18 - 20: You have more of a male brain. On average, men outperform women in this task and those with more mathematical knowledge tend to score quite high as well. In past studies, 60 per cent of the people in this range were men.

Interestingly, men's testosterone levels fluctuate through the seasons and studies have shown that men's scores are lower in the spring, when their testosterone levels are at their lowest.

Do our cave dwelling ancestors offer us any clues about why men and women score differently on this task? Find out more.

 Spot the difference

This task tested your ability to identify which objects changed position. You lost points, if you incorrectly identified objects.

Your score: 71%
Average score for men: 39%
Average score for women: 46%

What does your score suggest?

If you scored between 0 - 33%: You may have more of a male brain. Scientists say men tend to under perform in this task. The corpus callosum, the part of the brain that links the right and left hemispheres, is a fifth larger in women. This means women can process visual and other signals at the same time more easily than men. There is also a theory that oestrogen levels in women give them an added advantage in spatial memory.

If you scored between 34 - 66%: You may have a balanced female-male brain.

If you scored between 67 - 100%: Those with a female-type brain generally score in this range. Your ability to remember where objects are may serve as an advantage to you when you're trying to find your way around places. You're more capable of recalling landmarks to get from one place to another.

Find out more about our spatial abilities.

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 Part 2



You said your left thumb was on top when you clasped your hands together.

Right thumb on top: This suggests the left half of your brain is dominant. Many studies have tried to establish whether there is a relationship between handedness and brain dominance. Some scientists believe that if you are left brain dominant, you would be more verbal and analytical.

Left thumb on top: This suggests the right half of your brain is dominant. Some studies theorise that as a right brain dominant person, you may excel in visual, spatial and intuitive processes.

However, these theories are debatable and leave much to be said about the small percentage of people who are ambidextrous.

Find out why right-brained people may be better fighters and artists.

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 Part 3

 Emotions and Systems

This task looked at whether you prefer to empathise or systemise.


Your empathy score is: 6 out of 20
Average score for men: 7.9 out of 20
Average score for women: 10.6 out of 20

What does your result suggest?

Empathisers are better at accurately judging other people's emotions and responding appropriately. If you scored 15 and above, you are very empathic and would be an ideal person to comfort people in a time of crisis. Women in general are better at empathising.


Your systemising score is: 12 out of 20
Average score for men: 12.5 out of 20
Average score for women: 8.0 out of 20

What does your result suggest?

Systemisers prefer to investigate how systems work. A system can be a road map, flat pack furniture, or a mathematical equation – anything that follows a set of rules. A score of 15 and above suggests you're good at analysing or building systems. Men in general are better at systemising.

Scientists are keen to learn more about people who score high or low on both tests. They want to find out whether or not empathising and systemising are linked. Is a possible to make yourself more empathic?

Some scientists claim that our empathy and systemising abilities can be traced all the way back to prehistoric times. Find out more.


This task tested your ability to judge people's emotions.

Your score: 6 out of 10
Average score for men: 6.6 out of 10
Average score for women: 6.6 out of 10

What does your result suggest?

If you scored 0 - 3: Do you think you're good at judging how another person is feeling? Your score suggests this doesn't come to you quite so naturally.

If you scored 4 - 6: Your result suggests you have a balanced female-male brain and find it neither easy nor difficult to judge people's emotions.

If you scored 7 - 10: Your result suggests you are a good empathiser, sensitive to other people's emotions. Women generally fall into this category.

Professor Baron-Cohen at the University of Cambridge says that people usually perform better than they expect to on this test.

Men often think a person's eyes are sending signals of desire when that's not the case at all. Find out more.

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 Part 4


We asked you to measure your ring and index fingers. Your ratios came to:

Right Hand: 0.98
Left Hand: 0.9

Average ratio for men: 0.982
Average ratio for women: 0.991

It's thought that your ratio is governed by the amount of testosterone you were exposed to in your mother's womb. The ratio of the length of your index finger to the length of your ring finger is set for life by as early as three months after conception. Even during puberty, when we experience intensive hormonal changes, the ratio stays the same.

Men generally have a ring finger that is longer than their index finger, which gives them a lower ratio than women, whose ring and index fingers are usually of equal length.

Studies have found that men and women with lots of brothers generally have more masculine finger ratios. Find out what other things scientists think our ratios may tell us.

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 Part 5


This task looked at how you rate the attractiveness of a series of faces. The images you looked at were digitally altered to create slight differences in masculinity.

Your choices suggest you prefer more masculine faces.

Highly masculinised male faces possess more extreme testosterone markers such as a long, broad and lower jaw, as well as more pronounced brow ridges and cheekbones.

Interestingly, women's preferences are said to vary across the menstrual phase. A more masculine face is preferred during the 9 days prior to ovulation, when conception is most likely.

A typical 'attractive' female face possesses features such as a shorter, narrower, lower jaw, fuller lips and larger eyes than an average face.

Are you surprised at what researchers think they can learn from your answers? Find out more.

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 Part 6

 3D shapes

This task tested your ability to mentally rotate 3D shapes.

Your score: 11 out of 12
Average score for men: 8.2 out of 12
Average score for women: 7.1 out of 12

What does your result suggest?

If you scored 0 - 6: Do you find yourself having to physically rotate a map to point in the direction in which you're travelling? This might explain why you scored in the lower range in the 3D shapes test. Twice as many women as men score in this category. Previous studies suggest that those with a female-type brain or with an arts background fall into this range.

If you scored 7 - 9: In past studies, 50 per cent of the people who scored in this range were women and 50 per cent were men.

If you scored 10 - 12: Are you an engineer or do you have a science background? People with these skills tend to score in this range. Past studies have concluded that people in this range have a more male brain.

Nearly a third of men who took this test got full marks, whereas less than 10 per cent of women managed the same. Find out why.


This task looked at your verbal fluency.

Your score: you associated 10 word(s) with grey and you named 5 word(s) that mean happy. We are assuming that all the words you entered are correct.

Average score for men: 11.4 words total
Average score for women: 12.4 words total

What does your result suggest?

If you produced 1 - 5 words: You are more of the strong, silent type with a male brain. You probably find it easier to express yourself in non-verbal ways, preferring action rather than words.

If you produced 6 - 10 words: Most people in this range have a female-type brain.

Women are said to use both sides of the brain when doing verbal tasks while men mainly use their left side. Studies have shown that girls develop vocabulary faster than boys. This difference in brain power is caused by levels of pre-natal testosterone. Find out more .


This task asked you how you would divide money.

If you had to split £50 with someone, you said you would demand £25

So far on the Sex ID test, men have demanded 51.6% (£25.80) of the pot and women have demanded 51.0% (£25.50), on average.

What does your response suggest?

Sex differences are small in this task. Demanding less than 60% of the pot (ie £30) is more typically female. Demanding more than 65% of the pot (ie £32.50) is more typically male.

Scientists believe that people with lower testosterone levels tend to take fewer risks so they are probably more willing to keep less for themselves. Those with higher testosterone levels tend to drive a harder bargain and are less compromising.

Men's testosterone levels fluctuate over the seasons and are at their lowest levels during the springtime. This is said to influence their bargaining power. Find out more about the role of testosterone.

  3 Commentaires

Divers ...

Jeudi 01 Février 2007 à 12:05:21


Bon tout d'abord, je ne vais pas vous presenter mes voeux, je l'ai deja fait au premier janvier (pour ceux qui ne suive pas, je dis ca par rapport au post d'Eveine :-) ). Mais je me suis dit qu'il fallait bien que j'ecrive quelque chose, c'est pas terrible une page toute blanche ... Ah oui, le post d'Eveine a eveille ma curiosite, et j'ai joue avec google ... Eveine, si tu n'a pas recu de carte de JeT ou sa mere, c'est ptet parce qu'il s'est fait larguer. Moi je dis ca, je dis rien, mais le site de lui et sa copine a disparu ... A la place, des ebauches de site a lui et des photos de lui et d'un pote a la montagne (ou alors, il est devenu homo ? Remarque, cote pratique, ca serait mieux pour lui ! muahaha que je suis mechante !). Et je suis tombee sur une page de bookmark che pas quoi. C'est tres marrant, il a oublie de proteger ses repertoires ... J'ai hesite a tout efface ... vous en pensez quoi, vous ???? hi hi hi (Eveine, on fait comment la tete de diable ??)

Bon mais au debut, je n'etais pas venue ecrire pour medire, mais pour lister quelques petites choses rigolottes chez nos amis les espagnols :-)

Aujourd'hui, il fait beau. On a du repasser la barre des 10 degres. (Eveine, faudrait que tu rajoutes la meteo de Madrid sur ton site :D). Ici, des qu'il fait moins de 10 degres (ou ptet plutot 7), c'est marrant car tout le monde sort les bottes en fourrure :D . Il fait pourtant suffisamment chaud pour que le linge seche pendant la nuit, que le chauffage soit inutile dans l'appartement, et que le-dit appartement est mieux oriente nord que sud, sinon, c'est invivable l'ete :-) ... Mais les bottes en fourrure, c'est marrant :-)

Les espagnols mangent double ration le midi. C'est a dire, deux assiettes ... Genre pates carbonara en entree et steack frites en plat principal (+pain, dessert ...). Moi, je prends toujours un plat seulement, deja que je suis enorme ... Le seul truc que je ne sais pas, c'est combien ils mangent le soir quand ils ont mange deux plats le midi. Je crois quand meme qu'ils mangent un plat normal le soir.

Enfin, parlons des horaires (je fais figure de zombie, ils dorment pas assez !). Ils se couchent tard tous les soirs (minuit, 1h du mat), ce qui me va tres bien, sauf quand ils se levent a 7h30 le lendemain matin ! La, je peux pas suivre ! Aujourd'hui encore, j'ai fais ma larve ! Hier, je me suis couchee a 23h, et je n'ai pas reussi a me lever avant 10h ce matin. Mes flatmates ne comprennent pas trop bien pourquoi je dors autant, et moi, je ne comprends pas comment ils font pour survivre en dormant si peu ...

Bon, sur ce, je vais ptet bosser un peu en attendant d'aller manger, vers 13h30 environ :-)

  6 Commentaires

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