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Tuesday April 23rd, 2024


Lobster Story

Samstag 23 Dezember 2006 am 11:16:22

For a change, I said I wanted lobster for Xmas, for tomorrow night. But my parents had the smartest idea concerning the lobsters: buy them ALIVE ! Well, it is supposed to taste better, why not. We found a commercial in our mailbox saying lobsters would be sold this morning, in two different chains: Intermarche and Super U ... starting at 9am !

As my parents are selling on the market this morning, I am in charge for finding and buying those lobsters. This morning, I got up very early (before 10am, I was ready to go, do you imagine !!???) and went to the first shop, Intermarche (the nearest one). Once inside, I discovered they had no more fish or seafood booth ! Very funny, grrr ! I also met Santa Claus there, he gave me a candy. But I bet this was a very old candy, the leftovers from the year, as it was all sticky and not good ... beurk !

Then, I decided I should go to the other shop, Super U, I would probably be more lucky. So I went there, and same thing, could not find the fish and seafood booth ! Hum, I started ton wonder (actually, I never buy fish, I don't like that), and saw, a little outside the shop, the fish and seafood booth ! Yeah ! So I bought the food for the dog and cats and went there: NO LOBSTER !!!!! Isn't it amazing ? Not even one ! So I gave up and came back home ... I tried to call my parents a thousand times in case they had a better idea, but they did not answer. Maybe I should simply go back to bed :-)

Eveine Sonntag 24 Dezember 2006 am 13:10:55
Et ben moi je vais en avoir pour le reveillon de noel nananere !! Vu que ma cousine les a commander au début de la semaine et qu'elle va les chercher ce soir ;)
Zabador Sonntag 24 Dezember 2006 am 14:44:21
Bah moi aussi, na ! Finalement, on a reussi a en trouver le soir, au Krouf !! Et je les ai cuits hier soir, ils attendent d'etre bouffes la ;-)
brucenico Dienstag 26 Dezember 2006 am 0:16:58
Y'a un épisode des simpsons où Homer en achète un petit pour l'engraisser et le manger qq mois plus tard. Evidemment, ca devient un super animal de compagnie, joueur, coquin, attachant, fragile, dont il n'aura coeur à se séparer... attendrissant. Je ne vous raconte pas la fin... ;-)
Eveine Mittwoch 27 Dezember 2006 am 9:03:39
Ca me dit quelque chose cet épisode, mais je ne me souviens plus de la fin
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Letzte Änderung: 07/12/08 21:58