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Chronike von 2006

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Samstag 30 September 2006 am 22:46:49


Un coucou rapide de Seattle ... Pour une fois, ce n'est pas Melman qui pose devant la ville, mais moi-même ;-) Je suis dans le parachute tout en haut, c'est vraiment top cette chose ;-)) Voila, c'etait juste pour vous dire que je n'etais pas morte ;-)

  4 Kommentare

Starbucks Coffee

Mittwoch 27 September 2006 am 8:54:54


... ou la chronique de l'aéroport ;-)

This morning, everything is too slow for my taste ! The tube was running slow, the train was full, small and slow ... it even stopped 10 minutes before entering the airport train station, pfff ...

But one thing was quick: the check-in ! When I arrived, the whole plane for Paris was already queuing !! aweful ! But then, I thought about this Flying Blue program, and I've just been upgraded to an elite member last month ! And this gives me the right to register with the business class, where nobody is queuing (ok, two guys were ahead of me ;-) ) ... I love privileges ;-) lol

But when I arrived on the couches to write this post, I could not find a free couch ! So I have no couch (just a regular chair) and no plug ! pfff ... And a group of japanese guy who just sat in my back and keep talking ! grrrrrr !

In Paris, I will be boarding from this aweful terminal E ! So I'll have to run and pray not to miss my plane ... boarding by bus, pfff !

Hum, I finally moved to another table, far from the Japanese guys (who are getting more numerous), with a plug (hehe) and a nice view on my boarding room ;-)

About 30 minutes before I board ...

  12 Kommentare


Montag 25 September 2006 am 13:45:45


Et oui, encore une fois, ca parle de bouffe, et encore une fois, je vais me plaindre de la bouffe autrichienne !!!

Apres avoir passe la matinee a
me battre pour garer la voiture
marcher plein car je suis garee super loin
me battre avec Word (parce qu'il faut ecrire le proposal avec Word, mais je deteste Word !!!)
voila que je m'achète un cheeseburger ! Mais quelle idee saugrenue !

Bah oui, je me dis que j'en ai marre des sandwitches mayo ou du jambon autrichien qui ne vaut pas le jambon Herta (en gros, le jambon ici, ca a pas le gout de jambon, c degeut), je me laisse tenter par un cheeseburger. Je fais bien attention car il y en a deux sortes: le burger a la dinde et le cheeseburger !

Je prends donc le normal. De retour a mon bureau, j'ouvre la chose et je croque. Et la, beurk, immonde le gout du ... steack ? Tellement imangeable que j'ai vire le steack (qui avait un gout de mauvais jambon) et g fini par manger juste le pain et la ptite tranche de fromage au milieu. Du coup, j'ai mange les deux, et dire que je comptais en garder un pour demain ....

Donc finalement, ce sale gout de non-steack me restant en travers de la gorge, je finis par lire l'etiquette. Et, que vois-je ???? Leur "steack" pour un "cheeseburger" (si si), est fait de chair a saucisse et d'oignons broyes !!!! Pas etonnant que ca ait un gout de chair a saucisse ! Mais qu'est ce qui ne va pas dans leur tête !!????

Bon, puis Eveine m'a achevee en me disant qu'elle avait mis à dl Desperate ... J'ai complètement oublié ce matin !! Quelle sale journée ! Heureusement que je m'en vais mercredi ;-))

  6 Kommentare


Freitag 22 September 2006 am 13:29:00


Eveine just told me she's cooking crepes ... everybody is telling me about crepes those days ... I want crepes !

Of course, as I am living in Austria, it is not that easy ! I only have flour at home. So if I want to cook crepes, I first have to buy eggs and also stuff like ham and cheese to put inside. But the shops close at 6 or 7pm if I am lucky.

The problem is that I have to pick up my car to bring it home to go flying tomorrow. But I cannot park at home before 8pm. Now you see ...

So I guess the solution is that I should go shopping around 6pm, then come back to work, then go pick up the car ... a bit annoying as I have no fridge here ... Or, I leave early, park home, get a ticket I won't pay anyway ;-) I like this last option ;-) Crepes make me live a dangerous life ;-)

  1 Kommentar

Sonne, erst da !

Freitag 22 September 2006 am 13:18:15


I saw this sentence written on a white board, in front of the pharmacy, when arriving at work. This made me smile ;-) Especially, because this is so true ! lol Ok, I'll translate: "Le soleil est enfin là !" ... oups, sorry, so one more time: "the sun is finally here !". Considering it's now september and Austrians predict that snow is gonna arrive within 3 weeks ! Oh Joy !

I should have taken a picture, but my camera has no more battery ... and now that I am writing that, I realize I forgot to plug it in ! I should buy a brain ;-)

  1 Kommentar

Les petits singes qui dansent ...

Dienstag 19 September 2006 am 16:51:24


Saleté de petits singes ! Ils veulent pas partir en plus ces cons ! Bon aller, je vais vous raconter ma soirée d'hier soir ...

Je suis rentrée chez moi avec une grosse flemme de bosser, je me suis donc pris un verre de vin et j'ai commencé à me regarder des Friends ... Et bien sûr, ce qui devait arriver arriva: personne sur le chat ce soir la ! Hum, du coup, je me faisais vraiment vraiment chier, et je me suis dit que j'allais aller m'acheter des cigarettes (j'ai des fois des idées très très cons !).

Je prends donc bien soin de prendre de la monnaie et me voilà partie. J'allume une cigarette, et je reste dehors la fumer (sinon, ca pue). Puis je vais pour rentrer ... c'est là que je m'apercois que j'avais *encore* oublié mes clefs !! Me voilà locked out !! again !!!

Je vais donc sonner chez mon proprio, ca ne repond pas ... Hum, j'attends dehors un moment (et du coup, une deuxième cigarette), pas un chat dans la rue, absolument personne qui rentre ou qui sort d'un des deux bâtiments ... crap !

Puis soudain, une idée de génie ! Sonner chez quelqu'un ! Mais alors pas question de sonner chez ma pute de voisine ... Mais que vois-je, l'appart d'à coté avait la lumière allumé ! Je prie donc pour que ce ne soit pas des autrichiens, puis compte les numéros et décide de parier que c'est le 8. Je sonne .... et une nana arrive a la fenetre et me demande ce que je veux !

Je lui explique que j'ai oublie mes clefs et lui demande de m'ouvrir. Elle m'ouvre ! Je monte chez elle, elle m'ouvre. Et je lui explique que mes clefs sont dans l'appart, elle appelle mon proprio ... a qui j'ai du encore dire la meme phrase: "ich habe noch meine Schlüssel in der Wohnung vergessen, ouain".

En attendant qu'il arrive, la fille me fait visiter son appart et on commence à cause. Puis il arrive, je récupère mes clefs, et on cause un peu tous les trois sur le pas de la porte. Puis il part ... Et la, vu que la fille est sympa et que g donc une bouteille de vin ouverte, je lui propose de venir boire un verre ...

4 heures, deux bouteilles et 15 cigarettes plus tard, elle décide de se rentrer car elle avait des exams ! Moi je ne vais pas me coucher tout de suite, car enfin, j'ai des amis d'arrivés sur le chat ... Au final, je me suis couchée à 3h du mat, mon neurone nageant, et bien sur, aujourdhui, j'ai la tête dans le cul ;-) Quelle belle journée ;-) lol

  13 Kommentare

Lazy lazy lazy ...

Montag 18 September 2006 am 13:09:01


I know I've been lazy recently ! It's been a week that the conference is over, and I still did not produce a new episode for the serie ... Instead, I did like Eveine and spent the whole weekend on the couch, doing mostly nothing and watching Friends on saturday and Desperate Housewives on sunday ;-)

I also played a number of Settlers of Catan games, winning on the digital one, losing on the boardgame (well, I tried some new experiments and challenges, and now, I can tell you, it's absolutely not a good idea to start without wood or without clay ... but it was fun to try ;-) ). Also not a good idea to start with both houses on the beach (ie only 2 fields instead of 3) and only 6 s and 8s. Even if those number are highly probable, they do not come always, so it makes a number of rounds without any card !

Hum, I could tell you about how happy work at the lab is. At noon, although people knew I was here, nobody came by to go for lunch. Well, it's not that bad 'cause I got myself a sandwitch and ate here (no Austrian food), but well, I was telling myself that it's a bit weird to never communicate with the other people in the rooms next to mine ... Probably I'm getting tired of that ... Maybe it's just my fault, oh well ...

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Happy Birthday !

Sonntag 17 September 2006 am 22:11:05


Joyeux Anniversaire Mutti !!!

Joyeux Anniversaire Eveine !

Je vous souhaite plein de bonheur a toutes les deux, et une très bonne X4ème année ;-)

  2 Kommentare

You've got mail !

Freitag 15 September 2006 am 15:32:27


... or not ! The Austrian Post sucks ! At the beginning of the week (monday I think), my mother did send me some mail from Brittany. Still not here. Two months ago, my mother (again her, she's more or less the only one who mails me stuff) sent me the important mail that arrived for me in Brittany: it never arrived !

Instead, today, I had mail in my mailbox ... intended for someone else, living in some other building, not even the street was the correct one ! Are the mailmen all drunk !???

So well, again, apparently my "important" mail is lost, things like taxes to pay, postcards from friends, new Flying Blue card, and so on ! I'm soooo happy !

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wouf !

Donnerstag 14 September 2006 am 14:41:45


I'm a bit disturbed right now ... I just arrived at work (I know, it seems late, but I was working at home) and while coming here, I crossed a guy and his dog. I have no idea of what the guy looked like, but the dog was ugly (and as dogs resemble their owners ...). Anyway, the scary bit is that the dog looked at me, and began to come towards me, ready to be run over by the cars ...

My point is that dogs are attracted to me ! It's always the same when I cross a dog in a street, he will look at me and forget about what he was doing ! What's wrong with me ? Do you think this is the reason why my dog is attracted to men (I mean human men ! ) ??? :-)

  6 Kommentare

La photo tant attendue ...

Mittwoch 13 September 2006 am 1:07:53


Here is a photo of myself at the EG06 viennese ball ...

  4 Kommentare

Crappy food !

Montag 11 September 2006 am 13:03:33


Just before I tell what I have to tell, I just want to mention that I smell gas and smoke, so, sorry in advance if the building explodes while I am writing this post !

Comme Eveine nous parlait de son horrible sandwitch mayo la semaine derniere, cette fois, c'est mon tour de rouspeter !

Last week, as people from all over the world were here, we had to show them the good and tasty Austrian food ! It was quite a challenge, but I managed to bring those people in the best Austrian restaurants, so the food was acceptable ! Anyway, most people were American, so they have no idea of what good food is ;-) aie aie, pas taper !

Cette semaine, j'ai donc decide de changer de menu. Je rejoins le groupe des gens qui vont manger ce midi et je leur propose un restau chinois (a vrai dire, je suis ouverte, je leur dit "any chinese, bitte !"). Resultat des courses, ils decident d'aller dans un restaurant autrichien, encore !! So much for me expressing my opinion ... But well, I forgot, I'm French and a girl, not a good thing in Austria !

So instead, I went to the supermarket to buy a "chicken tikka" thingy ... and some new orange cakes I had never seen before. What a surprise when I pay ! The 100g of little cakes cost the same price as the chicken, that is, almost 3 euros ! huh ! They'd better be good !

De retour au labo, je passe mon poulet au micro-ondes. Surprise quand je veux le manger, je ne trouve que des légumes sans gout :-( Je ne comprends pas ou sont les pates. Finalement, je les trouve, cachees au fond. Mais pas le poulet ! Il m'a fallu 5 bonnes secondes pour comprendre que tout etait empile par categorie, et qu'il me fallait une assiette pour retourner le truc. Je sais, ma description de la chose est à chier ...

Let's switch back to English ... After eating the chicken, which was tasting ok, but not like a tikka chicken (hein Evein ;-) ), I decided to try the expensive cookies ... Well, first, they are even smaller than the box ! Then, they taste extremely sweet !! And I hate sweet food ! So I had two of them (the size of one is about like a 2 euros coin) and I'll probably eat the whole thing (13 cookies, what an odd number !) slowly during the afternoon ;-)

Bon donc pour les puristes de francais qui m'embetent quand je parle anglais, j'espere que vous serez satisfaits de ce post multi-langues, same as those English speakers who cannot read French ;-) I hope the story is still understandable ;-)

Hum, and well, as you can see, the building did not explode - yet ;-)

  16 Kommentare

And the winner is ...

Samstag 09 September 2006 am 17:47:53


I guess you remember the whole Gunther story with the paper ... well, it's definitely over, the paper has been accepted to GRAPHITE ;-) Yessss !

I don't know who will go there to present, but apparently, the big boss doesn't want to pay for hotel or trip, just the conference fees ... Too bad, I would have loved a trip to Malaysia ;-)

  10 Kommentare

Damn fucking batteries !

Mittwoch 06 September 2006 am 16:58:35


That's not the title I intended to put, but once again, the batteries of my mouse died (I'm getting good at using key combinations ;-) ) ...

I came here to remove a bit of the spam (and this new title will not help to get rid of it), and I realized I had not written anything in September yet, it felt a bit empty ... So, now, it should be better !

I know you're all waiting for the story - which, as said Eveine, should be renamed as "Autumn serie" or even "Winter serie" if I continue to be that fast at writing - and probably for some news and photos. I don't have time to dig through the photos right now, so I'll just give some news.

Since last friday, I was mainly occupied with the organization of SCA ... It's now over and I think it was a success ! Nothing broke or went wrong - hum, except that we got a laptop stolen apparently .. and also someone took my poster ! I have a little idea of who might have done that, but I asked him if he had seen the poster and he told me he let it on a table ... well ... I still can print a new one ;-)

Tomorrow, we have the Eurographics ball in Sissi palace !! ahhaah ! So I had to find a dress ... I actually have a very old dress I bought when in the US, 7 years ago (wow, I did not realize it was so long ago !!). So of course, no way it fits ! Same for the top ... But I found a dress not too expensive (100 euros) and it doesn't look too bad on me ;-)

Tonight, we have the Wine and Cheese party of Eurographics, so I have to move now and go there, I do not want to miss it ;-)

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Letzte Änderung: 07/12/08 21:58